
New Business Advisory

  • We got you covered!

  • Sole Proprietorship or Incorporation
  • Provincial or Federal incorporation
  • Numbered or Named Corporation
  • Trade Names and Business Name registration
  • Business Number & GST/HST Account Setup

  • Quick Method GST/HST Election
  • Payroll Deductions and Remittance Account setup
  • Canada Pension Plan CPP Contributions
  • Employment Insurance EI for Employed vs Self-employed individuals
  • Employment income vs Dividend income
  • Shareholder’s Contributions & Paid Up Capital
  • Shareholders advances and loans
  • Corporate tax liabilities
  • Personal tax liabilities

New business start-up involve lots of decisions, at SM CPA Professional Corporation we simplify organizing your new business start up and let you focus on your new business development to ensure your new business success.

New Business start up face a lot of cross roads along the way in selecting a legal structure whether to start the new business as a sole proprietorship or incorporate. Whether to have the new business incorporate with a numbered corporation or select a business name to say the least.

We advise your new business to select it’s legal structure, year-end, GST/HST filing period, and guide you in getting your new business setup with the right structure. Incorporating a new business is not easy, strategic decisions have to be made to select the name, whether to select provincial or federal corporation. Deciding the class of shares to be registered and issued to attain an efficient tax structure.